...being an account of one hopeful young(ish) performer's adventures on the road to stardom. Or at least a paying job.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shoes: Best Friend and Worst Enemy

I have a confession. I am a shoe addict. 

It's not much of a confession, I'll admit. I don't exactly go robbing convenience stores or selling myself on the street corner to fuel my need for stiletto heels and ankle straps. 


I've lost a great many pairs of shoes in the last few weeks. Not lost as in misplaced - I've had to give them up, like so many starving African children, to homes that can care for them better. In some cases, they were beyond help, and I've had to put them (humanely) out of their misery. 

This has all come about because of the travelling I've done, or am about to do. Stupid luggage restrictions. How am I supposed to fit fifteen pairs of shoes along with all the rest of my worldly goods into 20kg? We must all make sacrifices, but this is ridiculous. 

I got a fabulous pair of leather boots in China, but packing them would mean paying almost as much as I got them for in excess luggage charges. Half the fun of having a shoe addiction is finding an amazing bargain, and the airlines are ruining my fun. Thankfully I'm told that there's more fun to be had in London, where fabulous shoes abound, and that my babies can always be replaced with new ones. 

I guess the upshot of all this is that I'm more or less packed, and ready to head off into a land of wonderful shoes and opportunity. 

And dammit, I will be ready for this opportunity clad in appropriately fabulous footwear!

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